Showers of Blessings

JEHOVAH-JIREH: "The Lord will Provide." Gen. 22:14

He did it again, folks! He showed us in a very tangible way that He is in control and that He wants this adoption to happen! I'm talking about Jehovah-Jireh, God our Provider.

As some of you know, adoptions are expensive. Being the ever worrier and planner that I am, Ben totally expected me to fret about where we would get the money for the adoption. He said that he really knew God was working in me when he saw that I really wasn't concerned about the finances. I mean, my lack of worrying about it even freaks me out!

We truly know that this adoption is what we're meant to do. We're just 2 regular people who are honestly trusting in Him (that's all He wants, after all--
our trust). And He gets all of the glory!

You see, God has provided every step of the way in a very tangible way through unexpected bonuses/gifts/blessings that we have received. Each time it has been very clear to us that God was providing specifically for the adoption. There is no questioning when you receive a check for the EXACT amount of what you owe at that stage of the adoption process!

The most recent example happened on Thursday evening when Ben and I went for our required marriage counseling session. Our agency is requiring us to have a therapist write a statement that we are ready to adopt and that we're not "crazies" (
my words, obviously). We got a referral to this pastor/counselor from our pastor (who is not a licensed counselor).

To make a long story short, the counselor told us that his sessions with us are going to be his gift. He said that he wanted to contribute to our adoption and this was the perfect way for him to do t hat. Oh, and we'll have our statement from him in about 10 days. How amazing is that?!?!

All I can say is "thank you" to Jehovah-Jireh! Among many other things, He truly is my provider.


Kim said...

WOW! How wonderful! That's really amazing AND awesome for you both - or should I say, you three!
Love you! Thanks for sharing!

Mindy said...

That's great Lauren! Your checklist is almost complete - our God is so wonderful!