It's a Choice

This morning offered me several challenges.  My gut reaction is to get ticked off and let these type of challenges ruin my day.  But I've learned that I can CHOOSE to instead focus on the positive perspectives that Christ offers me and let that determine the direction of my day.

Like the sign over our door says: Attitude is everything, so pick a good one!

Challenge:  The guy who was Ben’s relief at work this morning didn’t show up on time, causing him to have to take two early morning 911 calls, making him 1-hour late getting home on a day when I really needed to be at work on time.
Gut Reaction:  That guy is so selfish to not show up in time to relieve Ben (he’s done it before).  Those 911 calls better have been legitimate emergencies (unlike the 90% that aren’t).  I hate that I have to go to work anyway—why couldn’t I just be a stay-at-home mom.
Perspective:  Ben and I both have great jobs that allow us the mental challenge that we desire, the flexibility to spend a lot of time with our daughter (and each other), and the funds to live a comfortable life.

Challenge:  Eden (usually a great sleeper) wakes up crying at the same time that my alarm goes off (5:30am).  While comforting her, a carbon monoxide detector beeps loudly telling me the battery is dying, causing the dogs go nuts and need comfort and reassurance as well.  Then the coffee grinder promptly goes off (which I programmed it to do) and its loud airplane-taking-off sound startles Eden and the dogs yet again.
Gut Reaction:  Seriously?  All of this has to happen on a morning when I’m by myself?  UGH.  How am I supposed to climb on top of the kitchen counter to reach the dying detector at 8 months pregnant?  And how am I supposed to comfort Eden and the dogs at the same time?  And how am I going to have time to shower and get ready for work, much less have my “quiet time” with God that I woke up early for in the first place?!
Perspective:  There isn’t any real emergency here—it’s just a dying battery in the detector and a bad dream for Eden.  I am blessed to have a baby in my home.  It sure feels good to be needed to comfort all of my “babies.”  God can still speak to me—even if I don’t have a defined “quiet time”—as long as I’m open to hearing Him.

I CHOSE to focus on the positives this morning, and gues what—it all worked out in the end…
-          Eden easily went back to sleep after her needed snuggle time with mommy.
-          I was able to safely (using a step ladder) get the detector down and take the batteries out, which calmed the dogs down. 
-          Because Ben was running late, I had plenty of time to shower, get ready for work, make my lunch, and still have my “quiet time.”
-          My boss had back-to-back meetings with other people this morning, so it didn’t matter that I was an hour late.

And the perspective of all perspectives that I received this morning came via text from my friend Lisa (currently serving in Ethiopia with my mom) while I was snuggling my baby girl:  “Just left Hannah’s Hope [where Eden lived for 5 months].  Special mothers [the ladies who took care of Eden during her time there] LOVED the pics of Eden and were kissing the pics.” 

Enough said. J


The Goods said...

Oh Lauren - what a fabulous post! It is so difficult to choose what you know you should choose. And yet...when we choose the "un-gutly" option, we typically look back and say "now that wasn't so bad was it?" And yet, I still choose the gut reactions WAY too often...let myself get worked up, snap at Jeremy, get anxious, heart racing...for what? *sigh* so glad it all worked out...and BONUS that your boss probably didn't even notice you gone. God is so faithful!

Auntie Barb said...

Thank you for your post - I needed to read that right now. You are a blessing. I like your perspective, thanks.

The Prescott's said...

thanks for the encouragement to choose our attitudes. It really is a daily thing....but it helps to know we aren't alone in working towards it. Thanks for that reminder. Miss you guys.