
This is from a book I'm reading called "The Hole in Our Gospel."  The author (Rich Stearns) took some liberties and paraphrased Matthew 25:42-43 (what Christ said to the "goats" on his left).  All I can say is "ouch!"

"For I was hungry, while you had all you needed.  I was thirsty, but you drank bottled water.  I was a stranger, and you wanted me deported.  I needed clothes, but you needed more clothes.  I was sick, and you pointed out the behaviors that led to my sickness.  I was in prison, and you said I was getting what I deserved."


Mindy said...

i have been missing your blog and your blog comments! hope you've been ok! thanks for the lesson this morning!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lauren,

This is Amanda from Messy Aprons. I’m not sure if we ever met, but I was a BE pledge class 2002, so I definitely remember your sister. How is she doing? Anyhow, thanks for stopping by the giveaway and I look forward to hearing about your adoption process.

Amanda K.